Spring has Sprung!

Spring has Sprung!

Hello hello Nature Bee Community!

We are very excited that Spring is just one day away! The days continue to get longer which means more opportunity to soak up the sun. We encourage everyone to get out and CATCH THOSE RAYS! Now I know some of you might object since the sun is known to damage skin, BUT did you know that the sun has some serious benefits as well?

Sunshine has the ability to drastically improve our mental health and is known to help with seasonal affective disorder! This is because the sun promotes our natural production serotonin (the happy hormone). Check out this article for more fun facts on the benefits of sunshine. The best part is, we are not the only ones reaping the benefits of longer days in spring; flowers and plants do as well. Since the sun stays out longer, plants have more opportunities to grow, hence, Spring has sprung! If you are looking to plant some Spring flowers, here are some great suggestions. We are excited to see what Spring has in store for our moods and our plant collection 😊.

Now go on and get outside, just remember to apply sunscreen 😋!