How to use Soap Tablets:

Did you know only 9% of plastic waste actually gets recycled?
Every plastic soap bottle you have ever used is still sitting in the landfill to this day... and probibly will be for 100s of years.
Hand Soap Tablet FAQ's
Can I use my own foaming hand soap dispenser?
Yes, if you don’t have a Nature Bee foaming hand soap bottle you can use your own bottle from home! Just be sure it fits 350ml of water, and has a foaming hand soap pump.
How long do I need to wait for the tablet to dissolve?
The dissolving process should take about 10-15 mins give or take!
Can I use tap water?
Yes! But we recommend you check the water hardness in the area you live in. Hard water can affect how the tablet dissolves and performs, so we recommend using filtered water to ensure the best results.